Unit 2: Arts Leadership


Who is my project for?
My project is for Sixth form students and possibly teachers whom want to learn how to use photoshop or/and composition of a good photograph.

What do I intend to do?
I plan to teach pupils how to compose a good photo and a few basics of photoshop in a free period for about half an hour. When taking these images they will go into pairs and then individual for the editing process.

What resources will you need and where will you get them?
I will need laptops which have adobe photoshop on them, the internet, cameras and a classroom. I will get these from the media department at my school.

Who will help you when and in what way?
My advisor will help me collaborate students and provide the resources I need.

How will you know if the project has worked?
Whether the students can replicate what I have taught them in the session and by testing them as a plenary at the end. Also by them going away with some new skills that they can use for their subjects.

How will you collect feedback?
I will set them a questionnaire for their starter of what they know of photography and photoshop befor ethe lesson and then do a top ten plenary test to show the skills learnt and improvements made.

What things could go wrong? What is your back-up plan?
The laptops do not work; grab another from the trolley, share with others.
The cameras run out of battery; get some more batteries from department.
If all else fails, Create a quiz about photography in general (compositions etc).

What else do I need to find out/do?
Brush up on photoshop skills and create powerpoint.

(3/4 of an hour type up)

Planning the presentation

I was busy with coursework deadlines before Easter so I could not find time to work on my Arts Award. Now I have found some time in amungst revision, I wanted to start on my power point. The first half I dedicated the presentation to composition and elements of photography with their definitions. Then in the middle is where the students go out and take a few images. The last third is where I teach them how to manipulate their images with 3 key tasks varying in difficulty. (The colours of green, amber and red show that).

I used colours and pictures to help people whom are more visual learners such as myself. Usually people whom are interested in the Arts and particularly photography are usually visual learners.

 (I spent 1 hr and 1/2 completing the powerpoint.)

Lesson plan (also found in scrapbook)

Starter- Questionnaire whilst laptops loading and waiting for people.
Intro- Basic tools of photoshop and composition of shots
Main- Out with cameras.
3 photoshop tasks with own photos
Plenary- top 10 test

Change to plan-

Main- Photoshop basic tools exploration
3 photoshop tasks using photos from student resources that I found

(Time spent- 30 mins)


Once discussing with my advisor, I decided to create invites to my lesson which will be handed out through registration trays to promote the lesson. These were the stages of creating the invites. I used serif page plus to create these on.

(Time spent: 3/4 of an hour)

Creating Questionnaires

I intend to compare the results from my questionnaires and the results from the top ten test to show the developments of the students. This shows what they brought with them to the lesson (experience) and what they gained from my lesson.

I conjured up 7 questions for my questionnaire which can be filled out for my starter- whilst the laptops are loading and waiting for people to arrive.

Here shows what my questionnaire looked like...

(Time Taken : 35 mins)

Teaching the lesson 03/05/12

I followed my plan to the best of my ability. I got them all to do the questionnaire as they entered the room, waiting for others to arrive and the laptops to load. Once they had finished these I began my lesson.

I briefly went through the basics of photoshop such as the key items on the top toolbar and their predominant functions. Then I introduced them to key elements of photography. After doing this I let them explore photoshop with the functions that I mentioned before.
This took more time than I thought as they explored photoshop as a whole.

I then took them through step by step two of the the three tasks. All of them managed to use Curves however when I was teaching vignetting I got it wrong myself so found it difficult to relay the information to others.

Unfortunately we did not have time to finish all the tasks so I set those for homework and to do the top ten test.

(lesson: 50 mins, write up:10 mins)


I felt that the lesson went well but one of the 'Students' mentioned that if I was to teach photoshop again have it more structured with the tasks as exploring the toolbar functions did take half the lesson.

Also to review, I am going to compare the questionnaires to the top ten tests however, only one or two of the 'students' returned back the quiz so also to show the development of their work, I have shown how they manipulated the images given to them.

Here are the questionnaire responses:

1. Have you ever used photoshop before and what for?
Student 1: A long time ago, for retouching photos.
Student 2: No
Student 3: Yes, To create forum signatures.
Student 4: Yes, Creating an image.

2. What skills would you like to aquire today to enhance your experience of photoshop?
Student 1: General techniques.
Student 2: Cropping, editing, enhancing and adding effects.
Student 3: An ease in understanding all of the possible ways to crop and edit images.
Student 4: General home skills.

3. How often do you use a camera?
Student 1: Monthly
Student 2: Monthly/occasionally
Student 3: Weekly
Student 4: Occasionally

4. Name 3 things that you associate with photography.
Student 1: Photos, chemicals and Facebook.
Student 2: Special occasions and smiling.
Student 3: Family, holidays and great moments.
Student 4: Pictures, people and agriculture.

5. Can you name any photography techniques or compositions?
Student 1: No.
Student 2: ?
Student 3: Watermark and transparency.
Student 4: No.

6. Is there a photo from your past that particularly stands out in your memory and why?
Student 1: An old photo of my grandfather which I took and lost.
Student 2: (don't think they understood the question. mentioned colour and contrasts)
Student 3: One of me standing by a ferry carrying the Norwegian flag.
Student 4: One from when I was very young at the summer fair.

7.What do you expect to gain from this lesson today?
Student 1: An update.
Student 2: See and try new photo tools and attempt at photo editing/enhancing.
Student 3: An understanding in photoshop.
Student 4: General understanding and the use of photoshop.

(the questionnaires can also be found in my scrapbook)
(time taken write up : 20 mins)

Top ten tests:

1. Form is the 3d quality of an object/shape such as depth or vanishing point.
2. Adjustments changes the colours of the image.
3. Positive space is when objects are present in an image.
4. Simplification means a minimalistic image usually consists of one object.
5. Filter manipulates and warps your image.
6. Curves alters the depth of RGB to your image.
7. Gaussian blur is used to perform the edit of soft focus.
8. The new layer is filled in BLACK when creating a vignette.
9. Red, Green and Blue are the primary colours in photography.
10. Juxtaposition is when two objects are put together in an image that oppose each other, this emphasises the contrast.

Student 3's reply

Score: 7/10

Student 4's reply.

Score: 7 and 1/2 out of 10.

(Time taken: 20 mins write up)

Manipulating images in the lesson

Original Image                                                            Edited By Student 2

2. Original Image                                         
                                                                      (Curves task). Edited by Student 1
Edited by Student 2

3. Original Image
                                           Edited by Student 4

Edited by Student 1

4. Original Image                                                                            Edited by Student 4

5. Original Image                                        Edited by Student 3

 6. Original Image                                      Edited by Student 4

 7. Original image
                                                                       Edited by Student 2

Edited by Student 3

(time taken: 30 mins piecing together)